About Us

The Story Behind Our Brand!

After a domestic violence attack almost ended her life at the age of 29, Olympian, 13 x Author, Globally Recognized Women’s Health and Personal Development Expert, U.S.A.F. Veteran, and Dynamic Speaker, Laticia “Action” Jackson realized that despite her external successes, internally she was broken and needed to heal from within.

Desiring to heal from her brokenness, Action Jackson went on a twelve-year journey of emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. Her journey of learning to love and value herself took “courage” and it required her to grow through her pain every step of the way.

Every Woman Has a Story of Courage!
After sharing her story of domestic violence and resilience with thousands of women around the world, Action Jackson realized like herself, other women survived domestic violence and other traumatic events who didn’t realize how much courage it took to make it out of their situation.

After one day reflecting on this truth, Action Jackson realized she wanted to create a brand that would celebrate the resilient voices of these women. Some of these women may be survivors of domestic violence, survivors of breast cancer, heart disease, Veterans, or single moms.

Whatever role these women play in society, it takes courage to be them. Courageous Xpressions sees their courage and our brand wants these women and all women to courageously honor the courage it takes to be who they are!

We’re a Socially Conscious Brand!
Each quarter, a portion of our sales will be donated to designated domestic violence programs and organizations to help women and their children rebuild their lives after domestic violence and other tragic life events. We believe courage looks good on all women! We encourage all women to wear their courage courageously!
XO, Laticia “ Action” Jackson.

Learn more about Action’s story of "Courage" Here!
As Seen On - ABC 10, Fox 40 and NBC News!

NBC News Highlights Action Jackson: See The Video
Watch us on Fox 40: See The Video
Watch Us on Sac and Co: See The Video